British Spinal Intervention Course

The British Spinal Intervention Course (BSIC) is a two-day hands-on course designed for trainees, fellows, and consultants in Radiology, Surgery, or Pain Management. The course provides essential theoretical knowledge and expert, personalised instruction from consultants who regularly perform these procedures in their own clinical practice.

Delegates will receive hands-on training in spinal injections (nerve root, facet joint, sacroiliac, pars interarticularis), spinal biopsy (intervertebral disc and transpedicular), vertebroplasty and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) as well as an introduction to advanced techniques including cryotherapy and electrochemotherapy (ECT).

Day 1provides the essential foundational knowledge needed to undertake spinal intervention through a series of short lectures given by experts in Interventional Spine Radiology/Oncology.

Day 2offers delegates the unique opportunity of hands-on experience in a cadaveric lab. Delegates will be taught the practical aspects of these procedures on cadavers by experts and have the opportunity to practice themselves with supervision and direct feedback. We will also utilise the latest available equipment for image-guided simulations and augmented reality for real-time/haptic feedback.

The inaugural BSIC course was held in Leeds 2024, where we welcomed our first 30 delegates attending from across the UK, Middle East and Far East. Feedback from faculty and delegates was extremely positive, praising both the personalised approach taken by our expert faculty and the opportunities for hands-on training/feedback. We were delighted to find the course more than 85% over-subscribed with such demand that a waiting list system was required.

This successful formula has been renewed and expanded for BSIC Bristol 27th - 28th March 2025 with world expert Dr Douglas Beall joining the team to give his invaluable insights into interventional spine practice.


Places are strictly limited to 30 so please register early to avoid disappointment. 

Priority Registration: £895
(Registration at the Priority Rate closes on 10th November 2024 at 11.59pm)


Course Programme Download

Click the button below to download the 2024 course programme.